Whether you’re in a creative rut, dealing with a setback or feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, a motivational quote can help keep you on track and inspire you to push forward. Luckily, the internet is rife with famous quotes that can uplift, empower and even make you smile. Often, those smiles can linger hours after reading a great quote and are even more powerful when shared with others as they spread positivity and encouragement.
Many famous thought leaders, authors and successful entrepreneurs are valuable sources of inspiration and insight for all areas of life. Their experiences and hardships can offer renewed perspectives on life, work and love that help you overcome challenges. Fortunately, these inspirational quotes from notable dreamers and doers condense their wisdom into short phrases that can help you through tough times, motivate you to achieve your goals and inspire you to believe in yourself again.
From uplifting messages about finding your purpose to inspirational quotes that remind you that success isn’t defined solely by your career, these quotes are sure to encourage and inspire you to continue pushing forward. Even if you don’t need a nudge to keep going, these motivational quotes can be a good reminder that we should always appreciate what we have in the present while continuing to work hard toward our goals and dreams. Because the truth is, we all need a little bit of motivation from time to time, especially when things don’t go quite as planned.