Home help Dorchester is a service offered by many community organizations and government agencies to provide people in need of food, housing, social services, financial assistance, and health care with the help they need. The resources available through these services range from local food pantries to community based health centers. The goal is to make sure everyone has access to the care they need.
The program is in line with Government ‘discharge to assess’ guidelines and the evidence that people recover faster at home than in hospital. It brings together staff from Dorset’s acute hospitals (Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole) community teams from Dorset HealthCare, and social care services from both BCP Council and Dorset County Council. The team is divided into five clusters – Bournemouth and Christchurch, Poole, East Dorset and Purbeck, North and Mid Dorset, and Weymouth and the Jurassic Coast.
The Dorchester area is served by a variety of private home care services near me and public housing programs. The Department of Social Services administers the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, family investment assistance, and foster care and adoption. The Director of the Department is appointed by and serves under the supervision, direction, and control of the County Council. The Department also works with local organizations to offer advocacy services, information and referral, housing, and in-home programs for elderly citizens. These programs are supported by federal, State, and local funds. Home help Dorchester