Card machines allow businesses to tap into transactions quickly and securely, helping boost cash flow and reducing the need for customers to carry large sums of cash. They can be used across your business whether that’s at the till, the bar or on-the-go (like a food truck).

There are many different types of card machines, from countertop readers to portable and mobile options. The most suitable for your business will depend on the kind of goods or services you offer as well as how much you want to pay in fees per transaction.

A key consideration when choosing the right machine is how it connects to a host for verification. Some devices are wireless and use cellular networks, while others use in-built modems. The latter can be particularly useful for mobile businesses or those who move from location to location, such as a pop up or food truck.

It’s also important to consider what type of cards your machine accepts, as this can help expand your customer base. For example, many of our card machines support contactless payment methods like Apple Pay, Android Pay and more, allowing customers to simply touch their contactless device to the reader to make a payment.

Finally, don’t be tempted to choose the cheapest or free option. Some credit card processing providers will give you a card machine for free when you sign up with them, but this will be offset by higher ongoing fees in the form of payment rates. card machines

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