The fridge is your best friend. It’s also one of the most reliable appliances in the known universe. Unfortunately however, there are times when we need to do a little refrigerator repair. Fridges go on the fritz just like anything else does, but before you call the pros, here are a few things you can do yourself that will fix most problems.
The Lights Are Off And Nobody Is Home
Here’s a common problem – You open the door and the light doesn’t come on. Or the light comes on, but something doesn’t seem like it’s working right. You reach your hand in there and you don’t feel that cool air that’s supposed to be humming through there. This means that your fridge isn’t running. Before you call the professionals, let’s see if you can fix it yourself.
First of all, make sure it’s plugged in. You’ll slap yourself on the forehead when you pull on that wire and the plug comes rattling around the corner. You’re not the only one – it’s a common mistake. The fridge needs power, and when there’s no light on, that means you’ve got none. If it’s plugged in and still not keeping things cool, there might be something else wrong.
Check The Cold Control
When all systems seem to be working but it’s just not cold in there like it should be, you need to adjust the cold control. It doesn’t take a refrigerator repairperson to figure this out. Just reach in the back somewhere and you’ll find a dial. This dial sets the temperature of your fridge. For one reason or another, it’s been bumped to zero and you just need to turn it up again. Set the temperature according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. Otherwise, you’ll run up your energy bill.
Everything’s Frozen!
On the other hand, when you reach in there for a soda and find a hunk of ice in a can, this means that the thing has gone haywire and it’s running too cold. If it’s freezing everything no matter how you adjust the cold control, this means that its internal control mechanism is broken. This is a bit of refrigerator repair that’s going to need a professional with their tool set and experience to fix.
Water Leaking From The Fridge
This looks like a huge refrigerator repair job, but it’s usually a very minor problem. If you find water leaking out of your fridge, this means that something’s wrong with its self-defrosting system. Probably it’s just clogged and this is not allowing it to drain properly. Turn off your fridge, locate the drainage system and give it a good cleaning with baking soda and water. That should clear up the problem.
If these things don’t help the problem, or it’s something that you can’t handle yourself, feel free to call the refrigerator repair specialists. It’s worth it to have your fridge humming happily, and keeping you perishable food nice and cool. It’s better to shell out a little money than to lose all that food. rv fridge