Marketplace is a type of eCommerce business model where sellers sell their own products alongside other products offered by the marketplace operator. This enables the marketplace to provide a much broader assortment of products than a single retailer could offer with its own inventory, while eliminating the costs and risks associated with storing and shipping that inventory.
Many people turn to Facebook Marketplace when they’re looking for things to buy or sell. The platform allows you to search and filter items that are listed for sale in your area, or by specific categories like Household and Electronics. It also allows you to set a price range.
When you’re ready to make a purchase, you can contact the seller via message to work out payment and pickup details. Some sellers will give their home address, but most will agree to meet at a neutral location. Some items, such as electronics and furniture, may be shipped to you directly by the seller.
Using a high-quality photo is an important part of listing items in the Marketplace, as it helps users visualize the product and decide whether it’s right for them. You can also choose to limit the number of items available in your listing. Facebook has some guidelines on what can be listed in the Marketplace, including that alcoholic beverages, drugs, weapons, animals, counterfeits, and get-rich-quick schemes are not allowed. You can find these guidelines by going to your Feed and selecting Marketplace in the left menu. marketplace